Hirayuki's Tsurezuregusa 



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What a strange, demented feeling it gives me when I realize I have spent whole days before the inkstone, with nothing better to do, jotting down at random whatever nonsensical thoughts have entered my head.


Saturday, April 03, 2004

You know how spammers put random words in the subject now to trick your mail client/antispam software into thinking it's legit? Sometimes I don't know why they think we're going to bother looking at the messages that come in under some of these subjects.

Case in point: bowel analyst, found on a recent piece of spam. Oh, yes, please!

Monday, December 22, 2003

Some phrases possibly only my family uses:

  • Every which way come Sunday: a stronger version of "every (which) way". We tried every which way come Sunday, but the damn sheets just don't fit the bed. I've heard eight ways come Sunday, but only rarely.
  • I'll be darn-garned: a variation of "I'll be darned". The recycling truck didn't come, eh? Well, I'll be darn-garned.

Then there are these two, which I thought were ours alone until I found both of them in the same Stephen King book (Bag of Bones). That's when I started checking the house for wiretaps and bugs.

  • pick-em-up truck: a pickup truck.
  • whole fam-damily: amusing misspeak for "whole damn family".

I think that's it. If I come up with any more, I'll post them.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

George W. Bush is a miserable failure. Him and his corrupt administration and his rotten war and basically everything about him. Moron. Failure. Has-been.

Thursday, March 27, 2003

God, I'm so antsy. I go home in like 25 minutes and it's all I can do to sit still and wait it out. I feel like I've run out of Websites to browse and Photoshop techniques to fiddle around with. All I want to do is pace the floor. It must be the caffeine in that Diet Pepsi Big Gulp I had a couple hours ago. Or something.

Monday, March 24, 2003

I got a Playstation 2 a month or so ago and am trying to make a concerted effort to play some of the games I've since purchased. So far I have Gitaroo Man, Dark Cloud 2, Dragon Warrior VII, and Silent Hill. I'm mostly looking forward to Silent Hill 3, though, and I have to count Silent Hill 2 in my must-play list. I have the feeling it'll be a loooooong time before I'm done with all of those titles. I just don't have the time. ::sigh::

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

I saw The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring on New Year's Eve. I was thoroughly unimpressed. Mind you, though I liked the individual parts of the movie enough--the scenery, the camerawork, the actors, the accents (mostly) and the reconstruction of Elvish, the sound, the special effects, etcetera--the film as a whole was so boring and way too damn long. I'm extremely surprised, since I hadn't heard a single bad thing about it anywhere, period. Is it just me? I guess it is.

If you were equally not blown away by this film, please drop me a line using the button on the left sidebar. I need to know I'm not alone.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

I've realized that Web browser bookmarks are not all that essential nowadays. Remember back when everyone had URLs like http://www1.sbf3.acct.umich.edu/db/users/p/po/postlethwait/? Now that it's become so much easier for commoners to reg domain names, most of those mouthfuls have been reduced to http://www.howdy.com/. Frankly, I feel silly bookmarking a site like that when I can (thanks to IE's autoresolve/autocomplete features) just type "howdy" in the location bar and get where I want to go. More and more these days, I find myself using cyber bookmarks the same way I use real ones: to mark a page or a portion of a page I was reading when I left off.

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